Emmaus Way is an inclusive, Christian community captivated by the Gospel.
We value the witness of scripture, locate ourselves within the historical path
of the church, and pattern our shared life after the person of Christ while
unambiguously welcoming all to shape the community we are becoming together.
The core of our community life and practice is an Open Eucharist Table, where we find a vision of God's kin-dom that isn't smug or scarce, but instead radically hospitable and rooted in love.
Jesus’s table “embodied egalitarianism, disrupted the pleasures of hierarchy, and domination, and abolished the etiquette of empire” (M. Shawn Copeland). And so, in trying to follow Jesus’s example, we are a queer affirming, anti-racist, anti-hierarchical community continually striving to live
more and more fully into those realities together.