Current Series: 

A Rooted politic

If our politic is how we organize our lives together, then it is difficult to think of anything meaningful that is not both political and deeply personal. Our faith traditions, practices, and beliefs all point us toward radical and rooted ways of living personally and in community. During this winter series, we'll look at the roots of how we act politically as an Open Table community and we'll name what temptations surround us, what desires and longings shape our engagements, what practices propel us forward and what is personally at stake for us individually and communally in the current political climate. 

Series Resources

Emmaus Way is committed to engaging the Gospel in creative, embodied, and communal ways—from reading and art to dialogue and service. Find below some of the resources that are shaping our current series.


    Coming soon

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Scripture & DIALOGUE Questions

All are invited to hear and discern the Word of God together in dialogue at Emmaus Way each week. While the communal and embodied experience of dialogical preaching can't quite be recreated outside of the Sunday gathering, follow along here with the scripture passages and dialogue questions that are guiding our weekly conversations.

  • Scripture: Luke 3:15-22

    Dialogue Questions:

    • What are some reasons you’ve heard why Jesus got baptized? 
    • What’s a significant root that forms your politic?
    • For you, what does solidarity look like? 
    • Who do we see Jesus in solidarity with? 
    • How do the baptismal waters root our identity with Christ and shape our politic?
  • Small group Circle Practice. 

    Dialogue Questions:

    • Share a root that’s formed your politic.
    • How is the current political reality personal for you?
  • Luke 4:1-4

    Dialogue Questions:

    • What harm is there in turning stones to bread? What is this temptation really about?
    • Where do you see examples of this type of temptation in the political landscape of the U.S.?
    • What are you feeling tempted for your stone to become in this wilderness?
  • Luke 4:1-8

    Dialogue Questions:

    • What makes it difficult or easy to identify “evil”?
    • What are the false choices we face that feel similar to Jesus’ temptation?
    • Where does Jesus’ strength and rootedness come from, and where do we find ours?
  • Luke 4:9-13

    Dialogue Questions:

    • What are you feeling and experiencing in this political moment and in these unraveling days? 
    • What in your life has kept you at times from doing the harder thing? 
    • When you’ve chosen (or simply had to) take a harder, costlier, more dangerous path, why did you do it? How did you do it? 
    • What do you need to stand and not bow down?
  • Small group circle practice.

    Dialogue Questions:

    • In this particular moment in our country, about what are you needing to resist and stand firm?  
    • What do you long for at this moment?
  • Coming soon.

EWAY Youth & Kids

During this series, elementary children and youth will be in a series based on curriculum from Daneen Akers and her book Holy Troublemakers and Unconventional SaintsThey will learn about people of faith who have worked for love, justice, and compassion - who inspire us, make us bold, and connect us to each other and the Love that makes us one. Some of the saints and troublemakers they will learn about are St. Elizabeth of Portugal, Harriet Tubman, Corrie Ten Boom, and Mr. Rogers. Emmaus Way preschoolers will be exploring Hebrew Bible stories through Godly Play style lessons. If you have questions about the youth, kids, or preschool programs or how to get your child involved, please don't hesitate to reach out to us here.

Join Us

We hope these resources offer just a few more avenues to engage with the Word of God and the work of the Spirit in our life together. Please join us on Sundays to dialogue around these sacred topics together. Find out more about where and how we gather here.

If you have questions for us or if there are any accommodations you might need in order to fully participate in our community, please contact us here.