Our practice for almost a decade was to record and upload every gathering. We found over time, though, some co-ministers were less likely to speak when dialogues were recorded. Since 2020, in order to create a safe, welcoming, dialogical space for all who join us on Sunday evenings, we only occasionally record a gathering and post them here. 

Below, you will find podcasts from 2010-2019 as well as a few more recent recordings and dialogues since 2020. If you experience any technical difficulties or would like to comment on the podcast, please contact Molly Brummett Wudel.



Exodus in Community

Artist: Chessa Rich

  • Labor Day: Liberation from What?

  • Currents of Resistance

  • What Story are the People Telling? Doubt & Tension in Liberation

  • A Dangerous God

  • What is Covenant?

  • A Powerful Story

The Good News According to...

Artist: Adam Barnard

  • An Expansive Good News
  • The Good News in Songs of Struggle with Adam Barnard
  • The Good News found in Eric Carle with Claire Shelnutt
  • The Good News found in Therapy with Rebecca Hewitt-Newson
  • The Good News Found in Place with Katie Mangum
  • The Good News is...that things can change with Elan Hope

Embodiment and Desire: A Series on Sexuality

Artist: Adam Barnard

  • Let’s Talk About Sex - Song of Songs 1:2-8

  • True Love Waits? - Detournement

  • Pure, Holy Desire - Lectio Divina on Song of Songs 2

  • The Complexity of Desire - Song of Songs 2

  • Is Sex a Private Matter? - Luke 7:36-50

  • Sexy Stations: Song of Songs 8:5-7

Let Us Pray: Lenten Series

Artist: Jeff Crawford

  • Naming God (Our Father Who Art in Heaven, Hallowed be Your Name)

  • Making Space (Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done)

  • Provision (Give Us This Day our Daily Bread)

  • Forgive Us Our Trespasses

  • Deliver us from Evil - Taize Service

  • Power (For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory)

Creation and Resurrection Hope

Artists: Mike & Hyewon Grigoni

Collaborators: Katie Mangum, Avery Lamb, Aaron Hope, Martín Witchger, Farley Lord

  • Delighting in Creation as Resilient Hope (Meeting in the Park)

  • Living Lament as Gritty, Honest Hope

  • Righteous Anger as Prophetic Hope

  • Seeing Clearly as Defiant Hope

  • Creation and Community as Imaginative Hope

Art as Improbable Possibility

Artist: Chessa Rich

  • Introduction - Seeing ourselves as artists

  • Can Art Save Us? Revelation 12 with Katie Mangum

  • Isaiah 58:6-12 & Cornell Watson’s Behind the Mask

  • Intergenerational Sunday: Van Gogh and the Parable of the Sower

  • What’s Rising Up Within You? - Ezekiel 37

Fragile Creatures: Living with the End in Mind

Artists: Mark Williams, Adam Barnard, Ryan Newson

  • Introduction with Guest Artist Mark Williams

  • The Stories We Tell - Our Narratives about Death

  • Meal & Memory - Comfort Foods Potluck

  • The Power of Ritual (Rizpah and All Saints)

  • The Long Weeping (Rizpah)

  • What do we do with a Crucified and Risen Jesus? (John 20: Thomas)